
January 26th, 2021, a solemn remote graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Human and Social Studies took place on the Zoom platform. There were 61 Bachelor's and Master's Degree students that graduated including 3 at the top of their class. They majored in education, pedagogy, philology, communication, psychology, social work, sociology, translation. In addition, 10 students completed the joint Master's Degree programmes, "Social Work with Children and Youth" and "Comparative Social Policy and Welfare" implemented at the Faculty.
Faculty Dean Prof. Dr. Odeta Merfeldaitė congratulated graduates, parents, relatives and social partners of the Faculty at the virtual graduation ceremony. Greetings of congratulation were also sent by: Vice-Dean for Studies Prof. Dr. Linas Selmistraitis and directors of faculty institutes: Prof. Dr. Valdonė Indrašienė, Prof. Liudmila Mockienė, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marius Kalinauskas and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Antanas Valantinas. Social partners from Lithuania and abroad took part in the graduation ceremony including Miglė Maniušytė, Deputy Director for Social Work of the House of Seniors; University of Niš (Serbia). Prof. Nadežda Stojkovič and Faculty graduates: Anastasija Palikarpava, Kristina Janulevičienė and Justinas Alkimavičius.
Dean Prof. Merfeldaitė, greeting graduates, said that the first class has successfully completed studies.
"Despite the truly complicated pandemic period, graduates have completed one important stage in their life, which is also the beginning of a new stage," she said. Quoting Einstein, she noted, "science will never be a finished book." 'Each important achievement raises new questions. So do not be afraid to look for answers."
The Dean said that being critically-thinking, creative and responsible professionals, you will contribute to the creation of a prosperous society. Faculty graduates are our University's and Faculty's ambassadors radiating positive energy and making the Faculty well-known and fostering our values," she said. Dean Merfeldaitė thanked all for a significant contribution seeking excellent results. She thanked graduates, family members, social partners, Faculty lecturers, programme heads, institute directors, vice-deans and study managers who helped graduates during the entire studies period.
The Faculty's Educational Sciences and Social Work social partner -Seniors Social House Deputy Director Miglė Maniušytė participated in the graduation ceremony online. She congratulated graduates saying that "this class had a difficult challenge - to complete studies during the pandemic, which also became an opportunity to overcome a unique trial and to become more flexible and better prepared for ongoing and future global changes. The pandemic showed us that education will save the world, because that is how it always was and will be. The social work profession has become vitally important because social workers along with physicians were those closest to people and able to best say what are their needs and the needs of their family. So the professional competencies acquired during studies and developed personal traits such as creativity, curiosity, critical thinking and learning to trust will become strength helping to live in a changing environment and in the unknown. That is why artificial intelligence and smart technologies will never be able to replace the social work profession - no one can replace human values, empathy, sympathy and trust. Without a doubt representatives of social work and other social areas will march in lockstep with the accelerating future world. Faculty graduates are awaited in the labour market because Mykolas Roomers University students are valued as excellent specialists having a wide array of competencies.
Miglė Maniušytė, speaking to graduates, wished them well. She told them to always develop and practically apply what they have learned at the University along with the instilled values and skills because a bright future awaits them.
Humanities Institute social partner - Serbia's Niš University Prof. Dr. Nadežda Stojkovič was at the ceremony. She noted that "students are standing at the threshold of their professional life, filled with knowledge gained during the time they studied in extraordinary studies at the Humanities Institute. Now graduates are fully prepared to enter professional life as experts. I think that graduates really liked the impression of devotion, generosity and goodness of the lecturers. I know that the University and the entire staff created a favourable learning environment for students," she said. The professor from Serbia wished students enthusiasm and much success in all their endeavours.
English for Specific Purposes and a Second Foreign Language studies graduate Anastasiya Palikarpava was awarded a Leader's diploma graduating at the top of her class. She sent her congratulates to all those gathered at the ceremony and thanked lecturers who had led them on an unforgettable learning and knowledge journey. She said she hoped that the graduation was just the beginning of a new academic path allowing to seek deeper knowledge and to also continue studies in Master's Degree programmes.
To watch the video of the graduation ceremony, go to: