MRU Signed Declaration Establishing Three Seas Universities Network - MRU

18 May, 2023
MRU Signed Declaration Establishing Three Seas Universities Network
Faculty of Public Governance and Business
Faculty of Human and Social Studies

May 16th, 2023, a universities’ declaration was signed in Lublin establishing The Three Seas Universities Network (3SUN). The declaration was signed by 13 universities from 10 countries including 2 universities from Ukraine. Among the founders of the Network is Mykolas Romeris University (MRU), which was represented by Deputy Rector Assoc. Prof. Saulius Spurga.

The aim of the initiative is to strengthen international cooperation among universities, intensify exchange and expand research. Therefore, prestigious publications, huge projects and European grants would be the results of such cooperation.

 The Three Seas Universities Network is created voluntarily by cooperating universities. The right to participate in the network is for Three Seas initiative (3SI) and neighbouring countries, as well as the U.S. The Polish Education and Science Ministry paved the way to establish the network. Therefore, the network home office will be established at the John Paul II Catholic University in Lublin. The network will not have legal status.

The Universities Declaration was signed May 16th-17th during a research conference. The Conference, "The Three Seas Universities Network Towards the Challenges of Science and the Region,“ was the first such international conference organized as part of 3SUN activities. It is a part of the political and economic activities, according to the Three Seas Initiative (3SI) project.

The Three Seas initiative (3SI) unites 12 countries of Central Europe: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Hungary. The aim of the initiative is to encourage the economic cooperation and development of countries near the three seas – Adriatic, Baltic, and Black Sea. The first initiative meeting of members took place in Dubrovnik, Croatia, in 2016.