Mykolas Romeris University | MRU |

Let’s celebrate together!

MRU – 35 Years Together with the State!

If you are thinking about applying to MRU

Here are key things you need to know

The only ones in Lithuania

MRU has been awarded the FISU “Healthy Campus Certified Label” certificate

Welcome to the Student house

Your dorm guide

Choose your studies at MRU

“Responsibility and honour are not easy things. But one will not get much done by easy work. So let us resolve to do hard work. <…>We, the University, are a large family of work, we are an organised corporate society, we are all one upon another – clade upon clade, faculty upon students, students upon faculty, department upon departments, semester upon semesters, some organs upon other organs – so that the fruits of the work of one grow and ripen only through the work of others.” 

 Excerpt from Romeris’ speech at the beginning of the 1933/1934 academic year. 

Support for the Ukrainian Academic Community

February 12
How to Find Information for Your Papers?
12 d. 12:30-12:30 hr
Online training | MS Teams
February 18
Zotero - Reference Management Tool
18 d. 12:30-13:30 hr
Online training | MS Teams
February 12
How to Find Information for Your Papers?
12 d. 12:30-12:30 hr
Online training | MS Teams
February 18
Zotero - Reference Management Tool
18 d. 12:30-13:30 hr
Online training | MS Teams
January 27-31
Introductory week for exchange students
27 d. 14:00 hr-31 d. 16:00 hr
December 17
How to Prepare a Good Presentation for Thesis Defense?
17 d. 12:30-12:30 hr
Online training | MS Teams
December 17
Table tennis tournament "MRU WINTER CUP - 2024"
17 d. 11:00-15:00 hr
MRU big sports hall
Membership in international organizations