Library - MRU

September 18
How to Find Information for Your Papers?
18 d. 12:30-13:30 hr
Online training | MS Teams
September 24
Zotero - Reference Management Tool
24 d. 12:30-13:30 hr
Online training | MS Teams
October 02
Academic Literacy
02 d. 12:30-13:30 hr
Online training | MS Teams
September 18
How to Find Information for Your Papers?
18 d. 12:30-13:30 hr
Online training | MS Teams
September 24
Zotero - Reference Management Tool
24 d. 12:30-13:30 hr
Online training | MS Teams
October 02
Academic Literacy
02 d. 12:30-13:30 hr
Online training | MS Teams
Library story on social networks

Kaip rasti knygą 📓bibliotekoje? Jums reikia žinoti knygos ŠIFRĄ. Knygos šifras – tai kaip namo adresas didžiuliame mieste. Kaip kiekvienas namas turi savo unikalų adresą, taip ir kiekviena knyga bibliotekoje turi savo unikalų šifrą. Knygos yra suskirstytos pagal savo discipliną. Psichologijos knygų šifras prasideda 159.9. Viešojo administravimo - 351. Pedagogikos - 37. Taigi, šifras parodo, apie ką yra knyga.Raidės po pirmųjų skaičių paprastai yra autoriaus pavardės pirmosios raidės. Knygos lentynose išdėstytos abėcėlės tvarka. Kad rastum knygą, reikia mokėti abėcėlę.SVARBU: Lentynose su ta pačia šifro pradžia pirma sudėtos visos lietuviškos knygos, tada angliškos (ir kitos lotyniškos abėcėlės knygos), o pačioje pabaigoje - rusiškos knygos.----------------------------------How do you find a book in the library? Once you know the call number of the book, you're already on your way!A book call number is like a house address in a big city – it's your gateway to finding the book you're looking for! Just as every house has its own unique address, every book in the library has its own unique call number! Books are classified according to their discipline! For example, the call number for psychology books starts with 159.9! And for public administration, we have 351! Pedagogy – 37. The call number on the book tells you what the book is about.The letters after the numbers are usually the first letters of the author's surname. The books are shelved alphabetically, so all you need to do is learn the alphabet and you'll be able to find any book you're looking for!IMPORTANT: Books are shelved according to the languages. At the beginning you'll find Lithuanian books, followed by English books (and other Latin alphabet books), and Russian at the very end.#mrubiblioteka ... See MoreSee Less
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📌LAIKINA PRIEIGA PRIE NAUJŲ EBSCOHOST EL. IŠTEKLIŲ/FREE TRIAL TO THE NEW EBSCOHOST PLATFORM E RESOURCES📌Iki 2024 m. lapkričio 8 d. suteikta laikina prieiga prie naujų EBSCOhost platformos elektroninių išteklių: LitBase ir Literary Reference eBook Collection.LitBase🔗 duomenų bazė suteikia prieigą prie daugiau kaip 1,5 milijono įrašų, tarp kurių vartotojai ras istorinius ir šiuolaikinius tekstus iš viso pasaulio, pradedant antikos laikais ir baigiant XXI amžiumi. LitBase susipažinsite su žinomiausiais grožinės ir negrožinės literatūros kūriniais, knygų apžvalgomis, literatūros kritikos darbais, autorių interviu ir jų biografijomis, pjesėmis, poezijos kūriniais, apsakymais ir pan. Taip pat, siūlome išbandyti LitBase priklausantį elektroninį išteklių Literary Reference eBook Collection🔗 . Šioje kolekcijoje rasite žodynus, žinynus, enciklopedijas bei vadovėlius, skirtus literatūros tematikai. Literary Reference eBook Collection prieinama kaip atskira duomenų bazė EBSCOhost platformoje.Raginame visapusiškai naudotis MRU bendruomenei suteikta prieiga prie naujų elektroninių išteklių ir tikimės, kad jie praturtins Jūsų akademinę patirtį. Smagaus skaitymo!----------------------------We are pleased to inform you that we are offering temporary access to the new EBSCOhost platform electronic resources: LitBase and Literary Reference eBook Collection.LitBase🔗 database supports literary research on the most widely studied authors, poetry, fiction, plays, and nonfiction worldwide, providing resources such as author interviews, bibliographies, biographies, book reviews, classic books, encyclopedias and dictionaries, nonfiction, full-text journals, literary criticism, novellas, plays, poems, short stories, and more. LitBase provides more author interviews, biographies, creative nonfiction, literary criticism, poems, poetry reviews, screenplays, and short stories from antiquity to the 21st century, including works of high culture not produced in the West. Among its 1.5 million records, users will find historical and contemporary texts from around the world, including Africa, Australia, Canada, the Caribbean, Europe, Ireland, Latin America, New Zealand, Scandinavia, the Slavic countries, the United Kingdom, and the United States.Additionally, LitBase has a complementary Literary Reference eBook Collection🔗 , containing reference works covering a wide range of literature-related topics, including literary criticism and guides to the study of classic literature. The Literary Reference eBook Collection is available on the EBSCO platform as a separate database.Free trial will be available until November 8, 2024.We encourage you to take full advantage of these new resources and hope they greatly enhance your academic and research activities. Happy reading!#mrubiblioteka #mrulibrary #freetrial #EBSCOhost ... See MoreSee Less
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