- Use the online form to send your questions.
We try to answer questions as soon as possible, usually within a few hours. However, for complex questions, it can take a few days to receive a response.
- Bibliometric indicators are provided from Bibliographic Citation Databases.
- Bibliometric services are provided only for MRU academic staff.
- Library offers:
- author citation analysis – personal citation indexes of the author‘s publications;
- H-index – citation of author‘s publications;
- journal citation index (impact factor);
- citation indexes of science fields – average citation of the exact category;
- citation maps – related authors and articles;
- largely cited journals of social sciences and humanities.
- Bibliometric indexes may differ in various databases. For the comparison we also offer author’s h-index from Google Scholar database using Publish or Perish tool.
- Send requests to
- The service is available only for MRU lecturers and students.
- The consultation can be booked by e-mailing the Subject Librarian of your faculty.
- Please indicate the goal of the consultation, also date, time suitable for you and what type of consultation you would like – live or remote (using MS Teams or Skype).
- Duration of the consultation – up to 45 minutes.
- Books, whose location is indicated in the e-catalog as “Lending Department”, can be borrowed.
- Readers can use a self check-in machine to take books home. These machines are in the Lending Department and in the Library Hall. Readers must have a Student ID or Staff ID card.
- Readers may have a limited number of books at one time: undergraduate students up to 30 books, graduate students up to 40, lecturers up to 50.
- For the readers, who have 3 (or more) overdue books, lending of the additional books is blocked.
- The loan date of the book is specified in the cheque or in the MRU Virtual Library account.
- You can order the books you need and take them from the Reservation Boxes after the Library working hours.
- Fill in the provided form and e-mail it to
- Oder the books the same day when you are able to come and pick them up. Send us order till 4 p.m.
- Orders are executed from Monday till Friday.
- You will get a confirmation e-mail when your order is ready.
- You must take your ordered books the same day till 10 p.m.
- Books which are placed in “Storage of Library in Vilnius”, must be ordered through the MRU Virtual Library.
- Books, ordered from the Storage, must be checked-out and returned to the Information Desk.
- Readers can order (reserve) the books from the Lending Department via e-catalogue, if all the items of the required book are taken.
- Executed orders are kept on the shelf for 3 days in the Library’s lobby.
- Reader’s information about the order or cancellation of orders is sent to MRU e-mail.
- If a reader does not take the reserved book during 3 days, the book is passed to the first reader waiting in a queue.
- Readers can monitor their book order by connecting to their account in the Library electronic catalogue.
- A reader can extend the return date for a checked-out book online using MRU Virtual Library.
- The return date can be extended max 9 times.
- The system will not allow extending a return date if:
- the book is ordered by another reader;
- the reader’s debt for the overdue books reaches the amount of 9,90 Eur;
- the reader is late to return more than 2 books;
- the reader is late to return a book borrowed for a short term.
- Readers can return the books using Book Return Machine at the Library entrance or using the Drop Box located at the side entrance in the University courtyard.
- If the book is not returned on time, the fine for overdue book is started to count.
- You do not have to return the borrowed books yourself, it can be done by anyone you ask.
- The call number of the book marks the location of the book on the shelves.
- The call number is written on the back cover of the book.
- The call number consists of the section number (according to Universal Decimal Classification system, the UDC) and the author’s sign. Inside the section, the books are placed in alphabetical order by the author’s name. First, according to the Lithuanian alphabet, continued – Latin (English, German, and other) and Cyrillic alphabets.
- If the call number is 341 ŽA-32, the sequence number 341 (according to UDC – International Law) refers to the section, where you need to look for books. Author’s sign ŽA-32 indicates, that the book must be searched by the Lithuanian alphabet letter Ž.
- To connect to the Library computers, students have to activate the MRU student’s e-mail.
- Connecting to the Library computers:
- Login name: stud\MRU student’s e-mail user name (until @);
- Password: MRU student’s e-mail password.
- The Library offers remote access to the subscribed databases by EZproxy system, which allows the use of the subscribed databases outside the University campus.
- If you are the University lecturer, please, use the same login information as to computers at University campus to connect to the system. If you are a student, please, use your MRU email’s name and password as login information.
- The library is equipped with specialized software and other equipment for vision and motor impaired users. 2 working places with specialized software are located in Grand Reading Room (I-04).
- These working places are installed with:
- JAWS 14 for Windows – is a computer screen reader program that allows blind and visually impaired users to read the screen using synthesized speech;
- Win Taker Voice 1.6 – is a computer screen reader that allows to read screen using synthesized speech in Lithuanian language;
- SuperNova Magnifier 13.03 – computer screen magnifier;
- Keyboard, adapted to visually impaired users;
- Alternative mouse for motor impaired users.
- In Grand Reading Room Braille Display with note taking functionalities ESYS 1.04, Braille Embosser and desktop video magnifier can be used. There are ergonomic furniture as well – a specialized tables and chair.
- Relevant Library notices on book orders, terms of books return, etc. are sent for the readers by e-mail.
- An e-mail account is created for all University students. It must be activated using MRU e-mail system.
- If you are using a non-MRU e-mail, please, let us know.
- Fines for overdue books are started to calculate from the next day, when the returning term of the book has expired.
- The fine is 0,10 EUR for each working day that the book is overdue.
- The fee counting ends only when the book is returned or the return date is extended. In order to avoid misunderstandings, please pay the fine and bring the receipt to the Library employee at the Lending Department or send payment confirmation by email To the Academy of Public Security Group – .
- If the fee for overdue books reaches the amount of 9,90 Eur, further borrowing of books is blocked and the return date can not be extended.
- Information about the books taken from the Library and fees could be found in MRU Virtual Library by selecting an icon “Sign in”.
- Payment Information.
- Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a loan that allows to obtain publications from other libraries.
- ILL services are available only to the members (whose do not have any debts to the Library) of the MRU community with a valid student ID card or staff ID card.
- The ILL service from Lithuania libraries is free of charge, the ILL service from abroad libraries is 5 € for each sent document.
- Ordering is proceeded only for those publications that are not in Vilnius libraries.
- Publications may be ordered by e-mail: or Library ILL office (C-I-021) by completing the Request Form.
- Orders are executed within 14 to 30 calendar days.
- Publications, received through ILL can be read only in the Library Reading Rooms
- Services to visitors are provided only in the Library’s Reading Rooms and they have access to the publications which are located in the open funds. Visitors of the MRU Library can’t check-out books.
- Print, copy and scan is a self-service using multifunctional devices.
- Students are given the following free limits each month:
Printing and copying (black and white, color) | 120 pages |
Scanning | 1000 pages |
- The unused portion is not carried over to the next month.
- It is currently not possible to top up the limits.
- Remote consultation is a service only for the MRU academic community.
- The view of the computer desktop is demonstrated to the user with verbal comments.
- Date and time of the consultation can be agreed in advance with the Subject Librarian of your faculty by e-mail.
- Consultations are provided using Skype (skype name: MRUbiblioskype) or MS Teams.
- Duration of the consultation – up to 45 min.
- If you want to find a book, please search the MRU Virtual Library. Pay attention to the location of the book.
- The call number marks the location of the book on the shelf.
- The call number is written on the back cover of the book.
- If you cannot find the book by searching the e-catalogue, it means that there is no such book in the Library.
- The service is available for MRU students only.
- The Search Strategy can be ordered by completing the Search Strategy form. The completed form should be sent to a Subject Librarian by e-mail.
- In the Search Strategy, the Librarian indicates relevant information resources and tools on a particular topic, recommend keywords the user should use in information search process and advice how to properly create a search query.
- The Search Strategy is fulfilled within 5 working days.
- Upon the user’s request, personalized consultations are available.
From 13 October, due to the implementation of the new library system, we will no longer be able to provide the service “Short-term lending”.
- Short-term lending of publication is a service that allows users to check-out publications, which are marked not for loan in the electronic catalogue of the Library.
- This service is available to all University community members who have no Library debts.
- Publications must be returned to the Library on the next working day.
- A user can borrow no more than two short-term-issued publications at one time.
- The fee is 1 Eur for each working day that the publication is overdue.
- If the reader is late in returning books for one working day, the possibility of borrowing books is limited.
- Encyclopedias, albums and other rare and valuable books are not for loan.
- The Library welcomes suggestions for the acquisition of materials, which support the University’s teaching and research programs.
- Before suggesting a book or other materials, please check the Library catalogue to make sure that we don’t already have what you’re looking for.
- If we don’t have a particular item and you would like to recommend it for purchase, please use the Suggest a Publication form.
- Students must provide the name of the lecturer with whom the suggestion was discussed.
For more information, please contact:
Almonė Jakubčionienė
Ateities st. 20, Room: I-103
Tel.: (+370 5) 271 4724
- MRU Library organizes regular training sessions for students and faculty staff.
- Library offers trainings on the following topics:
- How to find Information for your papers?
- Reference Management Tools: Zotero and Mendeley
- Academic Literacy
- How to prepare a good presentation for thesis defence?
- Training Schedule
- For those you cannot attend the training we recommend to contact your Subject Librarian and book an individual consultation.
- Mykolas Romeris University provides free access to eduroam (Education Roaming) and MRU wireless network.
- Eduroam
Login name: MRU e-mail
Password: MRU e-mail password
Domain: Student - MRU
Login name: MRU e-mail user name (until@)
Password: MRU e-mail password
Domain: Student