Sustainable Development - MRU

Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015 world leaders agreed on the long-term Sustainable Development Goals. It is a long-term development path based on three pillars: economic development, social development and environmental protection.

Sustainable Development Goals

MRU 2024-2029 Strategy 

MRU 2021-2023 Strategy for Sustainable Activities

MRU Equal Opportunities and Diversity Policy


Let’s study and work sustainably! 

MRU Student Sustainability Skills Survey Results 2024

Each month of this academic year, we will pay more attention to the implementation of specific Sustainable Development Goals. In September, the focus will be on poverty and hunger, in October  good health, well-being and quality education, in November – gender equality, clean water and sanitation, in December – affordable and clean energy and decent work and economic growth, in January – industry, innovation and infrastructure and reducing inequalities, in February – sustainable cities as well as infrastructure and responsible consumption and production, in March – climate change and water bodies, in April – life on land, in May – peace, justice and strong institutions and partnerships to achieve these goals.

  1. Let’s save electricity, heat and water. Turn off unnecessary electrical appliances. Reduce the brightness of the computer screen. 
  2. Let’s reduce paper consumption. Print only the most necessary documents and on both sides of the sheet. Let’s use recycled printing paper.
  3. Let’s eat healthy. Eat seasonal food grown in Lithuania, try new plant-based recipes, give up disposable dishes.
  4. Let’s reduce the impact of transport. Come to the University by bike or public transport, cooperate with colleagues, walk part of the way.
  5. Let’s buy less, share, recycle. Before buying a new thing, let’s think carefully about whether we really need it or whether we need packaging. Share with family members, friends and neighbors. Let’s give ourselves a deeper recycling challenge.


Academic Impact

MRU – Official Member of UN Academic Impact (UNAI) Initiative - MRU

United Nations Academic Impact has recognized GoGreen Project: University Studies Environmental Psychology in Young People | United Nations, by Environmental Psychology Research Centre 


International Partnership and Rankings

The IAU Global Cluster on Higher Education and Research for Sustainable  Development (HESD) Sustainable Development Goal 11 - Wikipedia

MRU takes part in the International Association of University Cluster Higher Education for Sustainable Development.  Together with partners universities MRU cooperates in the SDG 11 Cluster Sustainable Cities and Communities.

IAU HESD Cluster Activity Report 2023-2024


OSU's Sustainable Development Goals Rankings | Oklahoma State UniversityThe world university rankings agency Times Higher Education has announced the higher education institutions that have the greatest impact on the sustainable development on society and the environment, successfully implementing the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Mykolas Romeris University has been highly rated for the second time in THE Impact Rankings 2024. The university was evaluated in all 17 thematic areas of the Sustainable Development Goals, and was rated highest in the areas of gender equality (SDG5), reducing inequalities (SDG10), and peace, justice and strong institutions (SDG16). MRU was ranked 601-800 – the highest position among Lithuanian universities.  MRU is the only Lithuanian university ranked in the field of peace, justice and strong institutions. 2152 universities from 125 countries participated in THE Impact Rankings in 2024, which has been running since 2018. More detailed information on the latest sustainable society and environment development rankings can be found here.


GreenMetric Report 2021 available now - check it out! | Adam Mickiewicz  University, Poznań, Poland

UI Greenmetric annually publishes a ranking of world universities against various sustainability indicators. In 2024, 1476 universities in the world from 85 countries were ranked according to their contribution and impact on areas such as science and studies, infrastructure, energy, climate change, waste management, water and transport. MRU ranks 723rd position among the world’s universities. For more detailed information please visit here



The QS World University Rankings: Sustainability, an international university ranking agency, has published the rankings of higher education institutions globally, where Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) was evaluated. In 2024, 1743 universities around have been ranked with regard to their contribution to Environmental impact (environmental sustainability, environmental research, environmental education), Social impact (knowledge exchange, impact of education, health & well-being, equality, employment and outcomes) and Governance.  MRU was awarded 723rd position globally.  Areas such as environmental sustainability, environmental research, impact of education, health and well-being, equality and university governance, were the highest rated. For more information please visit here. 



Training sources

Please contact:

Student Sustainable Development Club

Jari Bouwman, Leader


Sustainable Development Office

Dr. Nomeda Gudelienė, Advisor to Deputy Rector on Sustainable Development

Yuliana Shuhani, Manager

Tel. +370 5 2714628

Ateities g. 20, LT-08303

IV-209 room