About Library - MRU

About Library

Mykolas Romeris University Library – modern academic Library seeking to meet ever changing needs of the University academic community and providing the environment encouraging studies, science and innovation. The Library actively engages itself in ensuring the availability of world-class information resources, participates in Open Access initiatives and other projects, offers educational activities as well as professional guidance in information search, critical evaluation and usage. 


Statistical Information (1st January, 2025) 

Library Holdings (items) 187 337
Subscribed Databases 43
E-books in Subscribed Databases (titles) 260 983
E-Journals in Subscribed Databases (titles) 37 810
Records in eLABa (PDB) Repository 21 722
Records in eLABa (ETD) Repository 6 687
Documents in MRU Institutional Repository 35 444
Registered Users 7 644
Number of Visits (per year) 57 595
Virtual Visits (per year) 51 632
Books Taken Home (per year) 10 562
Books Read in the Library (per year) 16 200
Training for MRU Academic Community (per year) 119
Invitation of Subject Librarian to a Lecture (per year) 29
Library Area (m2) 2 470
Reading Rooms 9
Reading Places 282
Computerized Workplaces 56
Library Employees 19


Library Rules

  • Users are requested to leave coats and bags in the cloakroom. There are lockers for your belongings. 
  • Discussions in the Reading Rooms are strictly prohibited. Mobile devices may be used only in silent mode. 
  • Smoking, eating and drinking (except sealed bottles or cups) are not allowed in the Library. 
  • Library materials must not be marked, defaced or annotated in any way. 
  • Books from the Reading Rooms are not to be taken home. Use them only in the area of the Library. 
  • Users should not return books to the shelves. Please leave them on the trolley next to the shelves. 
  • Users can take books home from the Lending Department. 
  • Bachelor students can have 30 books at one time, master students – 40. 
  • To take books home you need a document (Student‘s ID Card, Reader‘s ID Card, University staff – Employee Card).
  • Fines on overdue books are calculated on the next day when the returning term of the book has expired:
    – if the book is checked out until the end of the semester, the fine is 0,05 EUR for each working day that the book is overdue;
    – if the book is checked out shorter than the semester, the fine is 0,10 EUR for each working day that the book is overdue.

See full document (in Lithuanian)



Director of the Library
Nijolė Liatukienė
Room: I-102
Phone: +370 5 271 4518
E-mail: nijoleliat@mruni.eu
Ateities str. 20, LT-08303, Vilnius



Information Resources Acquisition Group

Responsible person – Almonė Jakubčionienė
Room: I-103
Phone: +370 5 271 4724
E-mail: jalmone@mruni.eu
Ateities str. 20, LT-08303, Vilnius

Information Resources Acquisition Group shapes the traditional and electronic library resources and organizes access to them in the library informational system.

Scientific Data Management Group

Responsible person – Danguolė Pivoriūnaitė
Room: III-148
Phone: +370 5 271 4709
E-mail: danguole@mruni.eu
Ateities str. 20, LT-08303, Vilnius

Scientific Data Management Group administers the database of Scientific Publications of the University (eLABA PDB), also the Master Theses and Doctoral Dissertations e-documents in Lithuanian Academic Repository (eLABa ETD). The group is also responsible for managing MRU Institutional Repository and the subscription of full-text databases, as well as conducting scientometric research and Open Access policy, consulting on the publishing issues.

User Services and Consultation Group

Responsible person – Nomeda Gaidelė
Room: I-010
Phone: +370 5 271 4540
E-mail: nomeda@mruni.eu
Ateities str. 20, LT-08303, Vilnius
User Services and Consultation Group registers the users of the Library, provides consultations at the Information desk, as well as by email or by phone. Makes reservations of the Reading Rooms, helps in finding the publications or using copying and scanning machines. The making and opening of exhibitions, organizing meetings with the writers, etc. falls also under the group responsibility.

Information Services and Training Group

Responsible person – Albertas Olechnovičius
Room: I-037
Phone: +370 5 271 4726
E-mail: olex@mruni.eu
Ateities str. 20, LT-08303, Vilnius
Information Services and Training Group cooperates with the faculties and other divisions of the University, educates community members on information literacy and other topics, provides the academic assistance for studies. Also, the group communicates the information of the Library, presents Library resources to the University community and guests.

Academy of Public Security Group

Responsible person – Benita Sušinskaitė
Room: V-105
Phone: +370 37 28 14 05
E-mail: vsabiblioteka@mruni.eu
Maironio str. 27, LT-44298 Kaunas
The group of Academy of Public Security is assisting in performing the functions of research and education in APS. APS group provides the literature on humanitarian, social sciences and other disciplines.

Projects and Cooperation


  • 2019-2021 – “MoBiLait: opening up learning opportunities for people who cannot read regular printed text through the Lithuanian library network”. Books by MRU authors, prepared during the implementation of the MoBiLait project (in Lithuanian only). 
  • Since 2016, the Library has been participating in Lithuanian Research Library Consortium (LMBA) project “eMoDB.LT3: Opening of Electronic Research Databases for Lithuania – third stage”. 
  • Since 2013, the Library has been participating in a project “Ensuring access to studies for students with special needs”. 
  • In 2013, the Library participated in ESF funding project Integration of people with mental disabilities into the labour market”. 
  • Since 2012, the Library has been participating in Lithuanian Research Library Consortium (LMBA) project “eMoDB.LT2: Opening of Electronic Research Databases for Lithuania – second stage”. 
  • 2009-2012 – Lithuanian Research Library Consortium (LMBA) project eMoDB.LT: Opening of Electronic Research Databases for Lithuania”. 
  • In 2007, the Library participated in the program “Lithuanian Virtual University” (LVU) in order to implement task “Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network Implementation and Development“. 
  • Since 2004, the Library has been participating in Lithuanian Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) project. 
  • In 1998, the Library participated in a project “Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network” (LABT). 
  • 2006-2007 – Leonardo da Vinci Mobility project “Digital competence and dissemination of information in libraries”. 
  • 1996-1999 – Lithuanian Research Libraries Association project “Lithuanian Integrated Library Information System” (LIBIS). 
  • 1995-1998 – Tempus Phare project “Integrated Information System in Academic libraries”.


  • Since 2012, the Library has been collaborating with Lithuanian Librarians’ Association (LLA) School Libraries Division. 
  • Since 2012, the Library has been collaborating with LATINA/lab, Learning Center and Library at the Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences (Oslo, Norway) and has been participating in their courses. 
  • Since 2010 – a member of European Association of Research Libraries (LIBER). 
  • Since 2010 – a member of the Lithuanian Academic Libraries Consortium (eLABa Consortium).
  • 2003-2023 – a member of Consortium of Legal Resources Centers and Legal Information Specialists (CLRCLIS). 
  • Since 2001 – a member of Independent Fund “Electronic Information for Libraries” (eIFL.net.). 
  • Since 2001 – a member of Lithuanian Research Library Consortium (LMBA). 
  • Since 2008 – a member of Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT). 
  • Since 1997 – a member of Lithuanian Academic Library Directors Association (LABA). 
  • 1995-2001 – the Library participated in the activities of Lithuanian Research Libraries Association (LMBS). 


The Library is grateful to all who have supported and donated books. 
Special thanks to our sponsors and donators for the rare books and valuable personal collections that have enriched our Library. 

Library Donators (listed in alphabetical order): 

  • Dr. Laima Liucija Andrikienė 
  • Prof. Alexander J. Bělohlávek 
  • Prof. Toma Birmontienė 
  • Advocate Kęstutis Čilinskas 
  • Embassy of India in Lithuania 
  • Embassy of Japan in Lithuania 
  • Embassy of France in Lithuania 
  • Embassy of Germany in Lithuania 
  • Embassy of the People‘s Republic of China in the Republic of Lithuania 
  • Prof. Algirdas Jackevičius
  • Tadeusz Juchniewicz 
  • Prof. habil. dr. Pranas Kūris, Doctor Honoris Causa of Mykolas Romeris University 
  • Prof. habil. dr. Bronislovas Juozas Kuzmickas 
  • Dr. Karl A. Lamers, Doctor Honoris Causa of Mykolas Romeris University 
  • Prof. Vytautas Landsbergis, Doctor Honoris Causa of Mykolas Romeris University 
  • Lithuanian Centre for Human Rights 
  • Dr. Robertas Lorinskas 
  • Prof. Dr. Gediminas Navaitis 
  • The Nippon Foundation (Japan) 
  • Assoc. Prof. Algirdas Orenius 
  • Viktoras Petkus, Lithuanian Human Rights Association Founder and Honorary Chairman 
  • Professional Law Partnership „Motieka & Audzevičius“ 
  • Prof. Alvydas Pumputis 
  • Prof. Aloyzas Sakalas 
  • Assoc. Prof. Saulius Spurga 
  • Dr. Stasys Stačiokas 
  • Monseigneur Alfonsas Svarinskas 
  • Dr. Stasys Vėlyvis, Doctor Honoris Causa of Mykolas Romeris University 
  • University of Wrocław 
  • Aleksas Vilčinskas, British-Lithuanian Society, Secretary 
  • Prof. Luzius Wildhaber, Doctor Honoris Causa of Mykolas Romeris University
  • Snieguolė Zalatorė 
  • Prof. Inga Žalėnienė