MRU student Marx-Davidson N. Ando came all the way from Cameroon, via Northern Cyprus, to study at Mykolas Romeris University's (MRU) newly-established Business and Media School (BMS).
He is a 1st year student in the Business Informatics Bachelor's Degree programme and says he loves what he's studying.
"I was really pleased to come study and have a double degree," said the positive-thinking, ever-smiling student.
The BMS at the Faculty of Social Technologies is a new joint school, which from the fall of 2013 admitted students and offers two diplomas (dual degree) Bachelor's and Master's, accredited by Middlesex University in London. Programs are offered in cooperation with Middlesex University in London.
Marx-Davidson said when he heard about the BMS and the new Bachelor's Degree programme he decided to apply. It's "an advantage" to get a double degree, he added.
"We all study to get opportunities. We study because we want more knowledge," he said. Armed with a dual degree, Marx-Davidson said he will be better prepared for the job market.
After graduation, you can work in business, banks, companies, media..."You are needed everywhere."
"I'm happy being here. I have good lecturers," he said adding that he especially enjoys the course in Financial Statistics.
Having arrived at MRU a little over eight months ago, he has been busy taking Lithuanian language lessons.
He managed to learn Turkish during his time in Northern Cyprus. Besides English, he speaks French, German, some Spanish, Russian and even Japanese.
"MRU is a good place. Lithuania is a promising country, but people tend to be timid, scared and not willing to share their culture."
But Marx-Davidson remains optimistic that postive-thinking can change that.
"I learned to be positive because I was born positive," he said.
"I also learned that the different obstacles that we encounter as we grow up, that they are there to strengthen you and not weigh you down."
After he completes his Bachelor's Degree, he is contemplating to work towards his Master's Degree - possibly at MRU.