Mykolas Romeris University Educational Sciences and Social Work Institute Assoc. Prof. Jolita Dudaitė, heading a project on Adult Literacy and Lifelong Learning, has been awarded 92,826 Euros by Lithuania's Research Council to conduct research.
The project, "Link Between Lithuanian Adult Literacy and the Establishment in the Labour Market and Lifelong Learning," is to be implemented during a 2-year period from April 1st, 2020-June 30th, 2022.
The aim of the project is to evaluate adult literacy levels in Lithuania and literacy employability in the labour market, said Assoc. Prof. Dudaitė. Literacy in this context is defined as reading ability, mathematical literacy, and resolution of problems using technologies.
The project will also evaluate adult literacy specifics, the importance of lifelong learning to literacy and compare Lithuania's adult literacy levels with other countries.
Collected (2015) data from the international Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (OECD PIAAC) will be analysed for the project. Lithuania took part in the research.