MRU Psychology Programme - Best in Lithuania - MRU

31 March, 2015
MRU Psychology Programme – Best in Lithuania

Mykolas Romeris University's (MRU) Psychology Programme has been rated the best in Lithuania, according to the international university ratings marker 'U-Multirank.'

The ratings, based on empirical data, compare institutions with similar institutional profiles.

The Psychology programme, implemented by MRU's Social Technologies Faculty, received the highest marks according to the ratio for personnel and students and for student internship parameters. In addition, relations with social partners and employers were also evaluated positively along with the MRU Library, IT services and the possibility to continue studies abroad.

MRU presented data to the new international ratings marker, which is supported by the European Commission.

More than 850 higher education institutions from more than 70 countries were evaluated in the first ranking - 2014.

U-Multirank is prepared with seed funding from the European Union.

It is led by a consortium, headed by Professor Dr. Frans van Vught of the Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS) in the Netherlands and Professor Dr. Frank Ziegele of the Centre for Higher Education (CHE) in Germany.

Other partner organisations include: the Centre for Science and Technology Studies from Leiden University (CWTS), Catholic University Leuven, academic publishers Elsevier, the Bertelsmann Foundation, Push and software firm Folge 3.