
4 November, 2015
Student from Israel, Born in Russia, Loves Language Studies at MRU
Faculty of Human and Social Studies
International Students
Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) student Rita Vozniouk was born in Russia, but lived most of her life in Israel.
In September she came to Vilnius and is one of several international students studying in the "English for Specific Purposes and the Second Foreign Language" Bachelor's Degree programme.
"I love it," said the 20-year-old student speaking to MRU News before the start of her class on Wednesday, Nov. 4th.
She is not afraid of Vilnius' cold winter days and snow and has been spending 40 minutes walking to classes from her apartment in the Pašilaičiai area. "I have special boots," she explained adding that it's easier to walk to classes from her apartment than to take the 2 buses.
Although it is the first time she has been in Lithuania, she has traveled extensively in Europe including Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Switzerland and Estonia.
She said after completing her mandatory service in the Israeli Army, she started to search for programmes where she could study not only English, but also German.
The MRU programme "met my expectations," she said. "The teachers are really amazing," Rita said.
With no specific plans now after graduation, she said she would like to pursue Psychology studies, perhaps, in the future and work towards her Master's Degree.
Rita's classmate, MRU student Nina Nyløkken, came to Vilnius from Lillehammer, Norway. She decided to study at MRU in the same programme after giving it some thought.
"I have friends here. Why not Lithuania?" she said.
Rita and Nina are studying English and have chosen German as a 2nd foreign language. Rita is also fluent in Russian.