International Recognition: MRU Joined the Ranks of European Reform University Alliance - MRU

5 July, 2023
International Recognition: MRU Joined the Ranks of European Reform University Alliance
Faculty of Human and Social Studies

Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) has joined the European Reform University Alliance (ERUA), whose new ambitious four-year initiative (ERUA2) worth 12.8 million and supported by a EUR grant from the European Commission. The goal of alliance members is to create a fully integrated, innovative, future-oriented European university that will help the young generation develop important #Europeancitizen skills to meet today's and future challenges.

Such a strong academic network, in which new technologies and innovations are integrated into social and humanitarian sciences and arts, will seek to make a significant contribution to the creation of a free, just and democratic Europe. Alliance members undertake to develop innovative student-oriented international studies that enable students themselves to contribute to content development and increase student mobility. Students, teachers, researchers and external partners will have more opportunities to form interdisciplinary teams capable of solving the most important problems facing Europe today.

"Membership in the alliance is based on the long-term strategy of creating a regional European university, the center of which is sustainability, cutting-edge studies and science, and common European values. The reformatory partnership of the Alliance members will significantly enrich the University's interdisciplinary, international and sustainable experience. It will provide a wider range of study and scientific activity options, and allow for experiencing different cultures and environments of the education system and ensure greater international competitiveness of the University", said MRU Rector Prof. Dr. Inga Žalėnienė. MRU's contribution to the Alliance is the advanced practice of social innovation laboratories, on the basis of which regional science clusters will be gathered for the development of research and innovation activities, she added.

ERUA unites the academic communities of 8 European universities (students, researchers, specialists). Alliance partners foster interdisciplinary collaboration that allows for the integration of social sciences, humanities and arts, as well as natural sciences.

The network includes 8 universities including founding members: Université Paris 8 Saint Vincennes-St Denis (UP8, France), New Bulgarian University (NBU, Bulgaria), and University of the Aegean (UAEGEAN, Greece). It has  expanded to include new partners: SWPS Social Sciences and Humanities (SWPS, Poland), European University Viadrina (EUV, Germany), University of Macerata (UNIMC, Italy), Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - (ULPGC, Spain) and Mykolas Romeris University - (MRU, Lithuania). The founding members Universität Konstanz (UKON, Germany) and Roskilde University (RUC, Denmark) have moved from being full partners to associated partners.