Sept. 4th, 2020, Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) PhD student Oksana Smirnova successfully defended her doctoral dissertation, "Frame-based approach to the EU Financial Terms with the Nominal Base Risk/risque/rizika in English, French and Lithuanian.“
Frame Semantics allows for the revelation of semantic and syntactic patterns representing conceptual frames and explains how language functions to make meaning possible.
The aim of the research is to carry out a frame-based analysis of the terms designating the concept RISK in an ad hoc trilingual parallel corpus of financial documents, and contrast the linguistic means used to express risk-related situations in English, French and Lithuanian. The object of the research is multi-word terms with the nominal base risk/risque/rizika. There are no works on terms from the EU financial field applying Frame Semantics methodology in several languages so far. The given research attempts to fill this gap.
Therefore, this research is significant in two major aspects. First, this is the first scientific work in which Frame Semantics methodology is applied for the contrastive analysis of the English, French and Lithuanian terminology. While the English and French terminology has been investigated using frame-based approach for several decades, it is the first attempt to apply this methodology for the Lithuanian terminological data of the financial field.
Second, Corpus Linguistics methodology disclosed the real use of terms and revealed the perception of the universal conceptualisation of a domain in question and peculiarities of its linguistic expression in different languages. Thus, the findings of this research might be applied by terminology researchers, practitioners, trainers, users and other participants of international specialised communication whose interests and work concern the links between language and knowledge.