June 22nd, 2021, during graduation ceremonies at the Faculty of Human and Social Studies, Dean Prof. Odeta Merfeldaitė awarded diplomas to 189 Bachelor's and Master's Degree programme graduates. There were 2 students that graduated at the top of their Class and received Leader's diplomas: Psychology Institute Business Psychology programme Master's Degree student Tairida Musulaitė and Protection of the Rights of the Child Master's Degree graduate Ingrida Masalskytė.
The ceremony was held outdoors in compliance with strict distancing regulations. Only those who had registered in advance could attend the live ceremony. Others were able to connect and view graduates receiving their diplomas online via a special broadcast from MRU.
MRU Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Regina Valutytė and Dean Merfeldaitė awarded diplomas to graduates during the outdoor ceremony. Dean Merfeldaitė congratulated graduates and encouraged them not to be afraid to look for answers, to be brave, not be afraid to dream and to see those next to them. The only value on earth is a person's relation with another person, emphasized the dean. She also thanked loved ones of students who encouraged them on and Faculty lecturers, managers and long-time administration staff.
Students who successfully completed studies in 2 joint programmes - Social Work with Children and Youth and Social Policy and Wellfare, were also awarded diplomas.
During the ceremony, Certificates of Appreciation were awarded to: Assoc. Prof. Antanas Valantinas for his work and efforts in the Psychology Institute; to Prof. Rita Bandzevičienė for her long-time work in the Psychology Institute; to Assoc. Prof. Jautrė Ramutė Šinkūnienė for her initiative and creativity organizing the "Lietuvos vaikų balso" event; Assoc. Prof. Asta Railienė for fostering student career competencies; Prof. Vida Gudžinskienė for her efforts preparing young researchers and fostering of social work school and to Psychology Institute student unit manager Leonora Andriulevičienė for her work with students.
Ministry of Social Security and Labour Vice-minister Vilma Augienė congratulated graduates and emphasized the importance of life-long learning. She said she was also happy with the Faculty's variety of specialists and invited graduates to seek work in the social security and labour area and thus contribute to the government's social welfare and social work prestige.
After the graduation ceremony, an evening with the MRU community followed where nominations for the best employees, student papers, initiatives and events were announced.
Communication Institute Lecturer Gintarė Gulevičiūtė's headed Bachelor's Degree programme, "Communication and Digital Marketing (in English) was selected as the Most Attractive 2020 studies programme in English.
In addition, Faculty Communication and Digital Marketing student Karolina Kardokaitė's Bachelor's thesis, "Influence of Web Bloggers on Consumer Involvement in Eco-brand Communication on the Social Network, "Instagram," was recognized as the best Bachelor's thesis.
Top student Tairida Musulaitė, was recognized for the best Master's Degree thesis: "Relationships between Employee Bullying, Psychological Resilience and Involvement in Work."