
16 January, 2021
Will Robots Replace Humans?
Faculty of Human and Social Studies
The Faculty of Human and Social Studies has long been exchanging good practice and experience in the area of learning. This is nothing new at the Faculty. Recently the Faculty's Educational Sciences and Social Work Institute Lecturer Assoc. Prof. Gintautė Žibėnienė had the possibility to become more closely acquainted with 3D technologies. FabLab representative Vitalijus Romanovskis, studying at MRU, discusses this area.
According to Romanovskis, 3D technologies have become his passion which takes up a large part of his life. He has amassed quite a bit of experience in the area - more than 10 years. Why has he selected this area as a career path? The reason is that these technologies are used in a number of areas such as IT, programming, production, medicine, 3D animation, construction and many areas of daily life.“
Huge changes are occurring in today's world, which are called Industry 4.0. This is a new economic stage of development noted for big data, artificial intelligence, 3D printing and other areas. Also new technologies help to better understand, quicken the processes, systemise and reduce the possibility of error, often replacing the work of human hands. Thereby, it is important to acquaint youth from a young age with new technologies and tendencies as well as to present Fabrication/Fabulous Laboratory workshops, containing the very latest equipment and created innovations and platforms for constructing, modelling, producing various products and prototypes, noted Romanovskis.
One of the activities of FabLab laboratories is close nearby at the Grigiškių gymnasium. Here Vitalijus helps youth to learn more about the latest technologies and tendencies. This opens the door for providing opportunities to seek the necessary education studying digital production and future production in order to prepare for the challenges of the XXI century.
During a lecture at the Institute, Master's Degree students discussed not only new technologies but also questioned whether robots will replace humans in the future. Answering the question, Romanovskis said that robots may take the place of some humans. However, at the same time many more jobs will be created necessary for digitalisation, he explained. That is why the number of people having the proper education to deal with this will just grow in the future, he added.