Jan. 8th, 2015, Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) Rector Prof. Alvydas Pumputis sent condolences to the French Embassy in Vilnius regarding the tragic shooting in Paris on Wednesday, January 7th, at office of Charlie Hebdo.
That day two masked gunmen, armed with Kalashnikov rifles, entered the office of the French satirical newspaper, Charlie Hebdo, and killed 12 people including the editor Stephane Charbonnier. Famous French cartoonists were killed including: Jean Cabut, Bernard Tignous Verlhac and Georges Wolinski.
"On behalf of the Mykolas Romeris University academic community, we express our sincere condolences to you for the tragic events in Paris. Along with you, we experience pain and sorrow for this tragedy," the statement read.
"We are shocked by the attack on Charlie Hebdo editorial office. It is very sad that people were killed. Our thoughts are with the victims and their families."
"Convinced that the right to freedom of speech, opinion and free expression is one of the most important principles of democracy, we worry about the attempts in Paris to try to restrict this right," the statement said.
"There can be no justification for the brutal killing of people. It is a very sad moment for our entire academic community."