
26 October, 2020
Psychological Service Volunteers Continue their Activities
Faculty of Human and Social Studies
Oct. 7th, 2020, volunteers at Mykolas Romeris University's Psychological Service met to discuss activities and goals for coming academic year. Meetings take place every Wednesday.
The goals of the Service include:
- to disseminate information about events, practical seminars, game nights and other activities to MRU's community (students, lecturers, staff) about psychology;
- encourage personal development - foster stronger psychological forbearance;
- to be a bridge between the MRU community and consultants of the Psychological Service;
- fill all with positive energy and try to ensure that you will feel safe and at peace while at MRU.
Do you want to join us?
Meetings occur every Wednesday from 16:15 hrs. in I-417 aud. (Ateities g. 20)
The Psychological Service is located in: IV-210 Office; e-mail:
Head: Svetlana Vimoncienė
Together we can do more!