May 8-10th, 2023, in Palanga, Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) employees are participating in a University-organized strategy session. There will be discussions centering on the 2024-2026 University strategic activities and sustainability policy areas and their implementation.
Mykolas Romeris University, when planning and implementing organizational strategy, continuously encourages a holistic approach towards the main areas of the higher education institution's activities - studies, research, innovation, community, the effects on the community and everyday institutional activities thereby contributing to implementation of the goals of the United Nations (UN) long-term global strategy, "Agenda 2030."
During the 3-day session, there will be attention focused on University sustainability policy implementation and its integration with the general directions of the next period's strategic activities.
Andora University Rector Prof. Dr. Miquel Nicolau-Vila will present to the participants practices of implementing sustainable development goals at his University. This could contribute to effective implementation of the sustainability policy at Mykolas Romeris University.