February 1st, 2023, Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Regina Valutytė met with South Korea's Ambassador Hoon-min Lim, who resides in Warsaw. The Ambassador visited MRU and also the King Sejong Institute Vilnius (KSI Vilnius).
MRU International Office Head Audra Dargytė-Burokienė, KSI Director Assoc. Prof. Lora Tamošiūnienė and Institute representatives also took part in the meeting with the Ambassador.
The University fosters extremely close ties with South Korea's academic community. It not only develops academic exchanges, prepares and implements joint study programmes, but also strengthens knowledge of the Korean language, culture and society in Lithuania. In 2014, MRU together with South Korea's Dongseo University (DSU) established the King Sejong Institute in Vilnius - at that time the first such Institute in northern Europe. At the KSI Vilnius, it is possible to study Korean language, get acquainted with the culture, history and traditions of Korea.
Currently, MRU offers unique Bachelor's Degree programmes for students: Translation Editing programme (Korean language); English for Specific Purposes and the Second Foreign Language (Korean can be selected). MRU students have the opportunity to study Korean at universities abroad with which cooperation agreements have been signed: University of Latvia (Latvia), Tallinn University (Estonia), Adam Mickiewicz University (Poland), and Palacky University (Czech Republic). The Game Development and Digital Animation double degree program with Dongseo University (South Korea) has been successfully implemented for several years now. Students in this programme spend 2 years in Lithuania and 2 years in South Korea.