"We have to do something different - better than what came before us. It is with this belief that young people should come and take the wheel in their hands," said Prof. Vytautas Landsbergis, congratulating the students of Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) on the beginning of the new academic year.
The beginning of the academic year was marked by a solemn and festive event that brought the community together. The event was not limited to congratulatory speeches, but also included a lively procession of students and members of the Senate, the awarding of diplomas to PhD students and the honouring of meritorious scientists.
The celebration was attended by the University community, students, lecturers and distinguished guests - the first Head of State of the restored Lithuania, Prof. Vytautas Landsbergis, the Minister of Economy and Innovation, Aušrinė Armonaitė, the Deputy Speaker of the Seimas, Julius Sabatauskas, and others.
During the celebration, the MRU courtyard hosted a First-years' Welcome Reception and an Activities Fair, where students could get acquainted with the University's organisations, clubs and other opportunities.
"Being a student has never been, is not and should not be easy. I can't promise that you'll have a soft red carpet for the future. Life is often different from school - you take a test first and then you learn the lesson. This is what higher university education is for, so that when faced with challenges we develop independence and resilience, and most importantly - not to stop, not to lose focus when tasks become more and more difficult," said Prof. Inga Žalėnienė, Rector of MRU.
The Rector welcomed the new students who have joined MRU - this year the University, which already has a strong multicultural spirit, can boast a particularly wide geographical diversity of first-year students. MRU has also attracted the attention of a significant number of Western European students.
"Our academic campus has welcomed more than 1700 new students from Lithuania and 20 foreign countries! More than 200 students from 113 countries have arrived under various exchange programmes for the autumn semester 2024-2025. I am glad that you have chosen to study at Mykolas Romeris University, the youngest Lithuanian state university, and I wish you the best of luck!", said Prof. Dr. I. Žalėnienė.
Prof. V. Landsbergis, Honorary Doctor of MRU, also spoke at the celebration: "It is very important that those who are determined to improve the foundation of the state - its law - are convinced of their mission: let us think about whether we will be Lithuania's success, or whether Lithuania will be a success in itself. We have to do something different - better than what came before us. That is the belief with which young people should come and take the helm."
Minister of Economy and Innovation Aušrinė Armonaitė congratulated the students: "People feel happy only when they feel secure and confident about their future. Everything is fragile, so we have to appreciate what we have. And to remember to protect it. I appeal to students: student movements have always been powerful and influential throughout history in defending what matters most. Enjoy this wonderful year that you will have at this great university, in the best city, and let's protect what we have."
Ieva Gustė Kavaliauskaitė, President of the Mykolas Romeris Students' Association (MRUSA), encouraged students to join MRU activities.
"I encourage you to remember that university and studies are not just about lectures and exams. It's a time to get to know yourself better through activities, discover new interests and make new friends. Get involved in the university community - be active, have your say and don't be afraid to be yourself. Better than that, let's just be there for each other when we need it most."
The President of the Senate, Prof. Dr. Romas Prakapas, and Prof. Dr. I. Žalėnienė, handed over the title of Honorary Professor to Dr. Rita Bandzevičienė and the titles of Pedagogical Professors to Dr. Paulius Pakutinskas and Dr. Rasa Pilkauskaitė-Valickienė, as decided by the Senate. Doctoral diplomas were awarded to 15 graduates who obtained their PhDs in the academic year 2023-2024.
During the event, three students were awarded Peace Prizes for the best essays on NATO, which were presented by MRU Guest of Honour Prof. h.c. Dr. Karl A. Lamers. The two best-performing students were also awarded prizes established by MRU alumnus Tomas Okmanas.
The concert of the Žalvarinis group created a good mood for the guests. After the official part of the opening ceremony, guests and students were invited to enjoy a traditional MRU cake.
In addition to the main celebration in Vilnius, the beginning of the new school year was also celebrated in Kaunas, where the MRU Public Security Academy is located. The Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Dr. Snieguolė Matulienė, gave a welcoming speech, emphasising the importance of the Academy in training security professionals and wishing all students success. For it is through helping others that we discover our true strength, vocation and meaning".
This academic year is a special one for MRU: the University will celebrate its 35th anniversary and will be joined by a new member of the academic family - Marijampole Higher Education Institution will officially join MRU on 1 October and become the MRU Sūduva Academy.
Peace Prizes were awarded to: 1st Prize: Volodimir Tsibka - Master's Program in Public Relations Management; 2nd prize: Nedas Latvėnas – Bachelor's program in Communication and Digital Marketing; 3rd Prize: Hayrünnisa Çelik - Bachelor's Program in Law and Global Security (English).
Prizes established by Tomas Okman were awarded to: Viktorijai Jodko - bachelor's program in Law and Criminology, Darija Zaikina - bachelor's program in Psychology.