May 6-10th, 2019, Universiti Sains Malaysia English Language Sr. Lecturer Dr. A Nagaletchimee Annamalai took part in MRU's International Teaching Week. She said MRU's environment is conducive for teaching and there is much international collaboration.
Annamalai, who presented a lecture, "Gamification in English Language Learning," said MRU's modern and equipped with the latest IT equipment to be able "to work effectively and efficiently."
She said MRU is a calm and "very fascinating environment" to work and "looks like a global hub for academic discussion."
There is a lot of international collaboration from MRU's side, said the Lecturer who has been teaching for more than 20 years in schools and university.
During the Teaching Week, there was enough time for "exchange of ideas" with fellow academics and even a Korean food festival held on May 11th, she said.
She said she enjoyed attending the lecture on May 15th by Ireland's Ambassador to Lithuania David Noonan on "The Use of English in International Relations."
"Lithuania is a very relaxed environment. You don't have to rush," she said. In Malaysia, one tires quickly due to the hot weather and heat.
It's interesting and a worthwhile stay. I would like to visit MRU again in the future, she added.
"MRU is putting a lot of effort to fulfil the high standard of education," she said.