Jan. 14th, 2019, Lithuania's President Dalia Grybauskaitė congratulated Mykolas Romeris University PhD students - Rusnė Kregždaitė & Rimantas Vosylis for their successful dissertations - selected as among the best in Humanities & Social Sciences area in 2017.
They received Certificates of Appreciation from the President during a ceremony at the Presidential Palace. A total of 10 doctoral students were recognized from various universities in Lithuania.
Kregždaitė was recognized for her PhD: Modeling of Cultural and Creative Industries Assessment in EU Countries. Vosylis, now a Lecturer in MRU's Psychology Institute, wrote a dissertation titled, "Psychological Aspects of Becoming an Adult Among Youth Following Different Transitional Pathways to Social Adult Roles."
Dissertations were evaluated by competent experts from Lithuania and abroad. The winners were selected in conjunction with Lithuania's Young Scientists' Union.
Efforts to recognise talented doctoral students are a way to encourage inter-institutional and interdisciplinary cooperation as well as to increase Lithuania's young researchers' motivation to implement research activity of the highest quality. In addition, it is a way to motivate PhD students whose dissertations are recognized not only in Lithuania, but also abroad.
(All photos: Robertas Dačkus)