Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) has begun providing targeted assistance to Vilnius municipal schools by implementing the project, “Vilnius Schools of Change”.
A team of MRU educators (Lina Bairašauskienė, Prof. Valdonė Indrašienė, Assoc. Prof. Violeta Jegelevičienė, Agata Katkonienė, Assoc. Prof. Romas Prakapas) will work with the participating schools. The project, “Vilnius Schools of Change” is implemented by the Vilnius Education Progress Center and financed by the Vilnius City municipality. Duration of the project: August 2021 to December 2023. The aim of the project is to promote faster progress and improve the quality of education in Vilnius general education schools.
MRU Educational Sciences and Social Work Institute educators will implement the project phase, Planning Changes at an Educational Institution Based on Data (August 2021 - December 2021). The aim is to strengthen the competencies of participants in the field of data analysis of an educational institution, based on the analysis of the data on the assessment of students' achievements and the internal evaluation of the school; to identify (or clearly outline) areas in need of major change in the school and to develop a plan for change in the quality of education that will be worked on throughout the project period (2021 - 2023).
Expected results of the project: a plan for changes in the quality of education of the educational institution (project participants) in 2021-2023 and improved competency of project participants for decisions to thoroughly analyze data for the progress of each student and the school as a whole.