Dec. 16th, 2019, Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) Communication Institute students presented a surprise to all those at the Vilnius Airport Departures Hall.
Christmas treats and sweets awaited those gathered in the Departures Hall and songs were presented by A. Novikas' led MRU Pop Vocal Group. The songs surprised not only holiday travelers, but also employees of the Vilnius Airport.
Christmas time is the busiest of time at airports throughout the world and this includes Vilnius' International Airport. At this time, some people go on vacation, while others go away to visit relatives for the Christmas holiday.
MRU Communication Institute Master's Degree student Vykintė Šimkutė said it was no accident that students selected this venue for songs and sweet treats.
Often those traveling, even if it is a vacation, are stressed and uncertain about what awaits. We wanted those departing from Vilnius to leave in a great and happy mood with the best memories of Lithuania, she said.
MRU Communication Institute Dean Assoc. Prof. Dr. Virginijus Valentinavičius said he was happy with the creative ideas generated by the students and their desire to present such a happy event, not only for themselves, but for others as well.