
26 March, 2021
MRU Researchers Presented Model for Providing Comprehensive Assistance to Schools
Faculty of Human and Social Studies
Schools are constantly faced with a wide range of challenges when it comes to finding solutions that improve not only the psychological climate at school, the relationship between students, teachers and administration, a smoother learning process but also better academic outcomes. Vilnius City Municipality and the National Education Agency together with the MRU Faculty of Human and Social Studies researchers have initiated the project, "Targeted Integrated Assistance to Schools." They conducted a study on the implementation and impact of activities and developed a model to provide targeted integrated assistance to schools.
MRU Faculty researchers taking part include: Assoc. Prof. Gražina Čiuladiene, Prof. Valdonė Indrašiene, Assoc. Prof. Violeta Jegelevičiene, Prof. Odeta Merfeldaite, Assoc. Prof. Romas Prakapas, and Assoc. Prof. Asta Railienė.
The aim of the study is to assess the provision of targeted integrated school support (planning and implementation of activities, impact of completed activities) and to plan how to effectively organize and implement targeted cross-school assistance in the future. The project involved 17 randomly selected schools, which from 2018 - 2020, participated in the project.