On 8 February 2024 Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) hosted representatives of the European Network of Academic Sports Services (ENAS) Committee. During the visit, the guests got acquainted with MRU sports infrastructure, discussed the details of the upcoming ENAS Forum in Belfast (Northern Ireland) and discussed the possibility of implementing joint projects with MRU Community Well-being Centre.
At the meeting with the ENAS Committee representatives MRU Rector prof. dr. Inga Žalėnienė, expressed her satisfaction with the improvement of MRU's sports infrastructure and the activities of the University's Community Wellbeing Centre.
,,This demonstrates the willingness of our university community to take care of its own well-being and the need to further invest in sustainable development. We will be happy to get involved in international academic sports activities because we want to build a strong, motivated and healthy community”, said the Head of University.
Addressing the MRU community, Mel Parker, President of ENAS, noted that the ENAS supports and encourages staff exchanges through available funding sources such as Erasmus+ and facilitates joint projects. The guest said that ENAS has more than 120 member institutions from 21 European countries. This, according to M. Parker, made it possible to secure the European Commission's recognition of ENAS as the representative for the sector.
,,We are regularly invited to participate in European community events and to contribute to policy making by participating in working groups where policies and best practice recommendations are developed for the European community. Every year in November, ENAS organises an annual forum for professional development for sport and wellness professionals”, M.Parker said.
During the visit in MRU, the ENAS Committee members also played pickleball and relaxed in the relaxation room during breaks. The guests were introduced to the MRU Community Well-being Centre, which is unique because it combines physical activity and mental health.
In 2023, Mykolas Romeris University became a member of ENAS, an organisation of more than 120 university sports centres.