EFVDE - "European Fundamental Values in Digital Era", 101085385 - MRU

EFVDE – “European Fundamental Values in Digital Era”, 101085385

Project No. 101085385
Project title: EFVDE – “European Fundamental Values in Digital Era”
Project duration –  2023-01-01 2025-12-31
Project coordinator – Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University

Project leader MRU: Doc. dr. Dovilė Sagatienė

Summary: This project purports to provide a European Fundamental Values based framework for the issues shaped and brought about by digitalization in Ukraine. For this purpose, the Interdisciplinary Research Hub on European Fundamental Values and Digitalization will be established at Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University (Kharkiv, Ukraine). The project consists of three parts: research, educational (sharing) and policy-making. The research part of the project will focus on the comprehensive analysis of the EU fundamental values, their modifications in the Digital Era, the way they are implemented into the EU legislation and the way they may be implemented in Ukraine. The project team will prepare a collective monograph on European Fundamental Values in Digital Era, series of articles, theses and arrange series of methodological schools for young researchers. The educational part shares the results of the research with various stakeholders – policymakers (deputies, members of parliamentary committees), legal practitioners, public servants, businesses, civil society actors and students (law students and students of technical universities). The results of the research will be shared by virtue of various events: annual conferences (three conferences (one conference each year) 16 academic hours each one), series of workshops for policymakers, legal practitioners, public servants, businesses and civil society actors (at least one workshop every 6 months with a duration of 30 academic hours each one), series of workshops for students (one workshop every two months during autumn and spring semesters each year with a duration of 8 academic hours each one). Policy-making part of the project will be based on the research and educational projects’ parts, as well as on the comparison of the European and Ukrainian perception of European fundamental values in the Digital Era and will result in issued recommendations for the mentioned stakeholders purporting to improve their practice.