„Establishment of The Rectors Conference in Azerbaijan (ECAR)“, Nr. 618270-EPP-1-2020-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP - MRU

„Establishment of The Rectors Conference in Azerbaijan (ECAR)“, Nr. 618270-EPP-1-2020-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

Project No. 618270-EPP-1-2020-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
Project title: „Establishment of The Rectors Conference in Azerbaijan (ECAR)“
Project manager: doc. dr. Inga Juknytė-Petreikienė
Project duration: from 2021-01-15 to 2024-01-14

Project coordinator: Baku Business University (Azerbaijan)
Project partners: French rectors conference (France), CRUP The Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities (Portugal), EFMD – International association of business schools, CIEP – France Education International (France), Baku Higher Oil School/BHOS (Azerbaijan), Baku Eurasian University/BAAU (Azerbaijan), Khazar University (Azerbaijan), Azerbaijan University of Languages/AUL (Azerbaijan), Lankaran State University /LSU (public) Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Arts  (Azerbaijan), Nakhchivan University (NU)  (Azerbaijan), Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University /ASPU  (Azerbaijan), Azerbaijan Technical University /AzTU  (Azerbaijan), Azerbaijan Technological University /UTECA  (Azerbaijan), Azerbaijan University / AU  (Azerbaijan), Odlar Yurdu University  (Azerbaijan), Azerbaijan Turism and Managament University (Azerbaijan), Baku Engineering University (Azerbaijan).

Project object: promote close cooperation and networking between national universities and decision-makers through the establishment of the Rectors’ Conference. However, the approach chosen for implementation includes a framework for cooperation with relevant stakeholders, focusing on educational needs. Accordingly, the target groups of this project are higher education institutions (higher education leaders, students, faculty and administration, and decision makers) and decision makers (government, ministries, Academy of Sciences). The main activities to be carried out throughout the project include capacity building initiatives for the selected HEIs.

The project is funded under the Erasmus+ Capacity building in higher education action.