The Role of Artificial Intelligence in the Development of Landscape Architecture Projects, S-ST-23-22 - MRU

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in the Development of Landscape Architecture Projects, S-ST-23-22

Project No S-ST-23-22

Project title: ‘The Role of Artificial Intelligence in the Development of Landscape Architecture Projects’

Project duration: from 03.10.2023 to 30.04.2024

Project leader: Prof. Dr. Birutė Mockevičienė

Student: Mantas Derevianko

About the project. The aim of the study is to assess, by analysing the specificity of AI technologies in the services market, the role of the development of these innovations in the development of landscape architecture/design projects and the need for their application. In the course of this study, it is hoped to collect and analyse information on the working practices of professionals working in the field of landscape architecture and the development of the use of artificial intelligence tools. The study will assess the following factors: frequency, specificity, likelihood of applicability to the client’s needs, daily human intelligence work practices and issues in project development versus work optimisation using innovation.

The project is funded by the Lithuanian Research Council within the framework of the Student Research Semesters programme.