„History of the Administrative Court in Lithuania 1918 – 1940“, No. P-LIP-22-25 - MRU

„History of the Administrative Court in Lithuania 1918 – 1940“, No. P-LIP-22-25

Project No. P-LIP-22-25
Project title:History of the Administrative Court in Lithuania 1918 – 1940”
Project duration: from 2022-02-01 to 2022-06-30
Project manager: prof. dr. Ieva Deviatnikovaitė

Summary:  The project aims to shed light on the origins of Lithuanian administrative justice. To this end, a study is being carried out, the results of which are contained in the manuscript “History of the Administrative Court in Lithuania 1918-1940”. The monograph was prompted by the words of M. Römeris, a prominent interwar lawyer who was most interested in administrative law in inter-war Lithuania and who contributed to the field of administrative law and judiciary (“Židinys”, 1940, 5/6: 561): “In independent Lithuania, the administrative court has its own history. This sounds like a paradox, because from time to time we hear that there is no Lithuanian administrative court. And it is pointed out that this constitutes the most painful gap in our legal management. I myself have argued this many times <…> How can something that does not exist have a history of its own” . These words have given rise to the title of the monograph and the aim of the monograph, which is to provide a comprehensive account of the history of the administrative court in Lithuania 1918-1940, by identifying the institutions that exercised the competence of the administrative court, analysing the legal acts and their drafts, which were intended to consolidate the function of the administrative court, and by examining the scientific doctrine of the interwar law on the judicial control of the legality of administrative acts. All this creates an ideological and doctrinal basis for Lithuanian administrative justice and its institutional system, thus filling an obvious gap in the historical literature on administrative law in Lithuania. In addition to the monograph, an article on the development of administrative justice in the Baltic States from a comparative perspective is being published in English. The article will include a section on the Lithuanian administrative court 1918-1940. In addition, it is planned to publish the results of the research described in the monograph at an international conference to be held online.

The project is carried out under the Lithuanian Research Council’s (LRC) Lithuanian Studies Programme