For the fourth year, the Law School of Mykolas Romeris University, the Institute of Law of the Lithuanian Social Science Centre and the Faculty of Law of Vytautas Magnus University jointly organise the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Trends and Challenges in European and National Criminal Policy". The aim of the conference is to provide an opportunity for a wide range of academics and practitioners to share scientific ideas and practical insights on emerging trends and challenges in the field of criminal policy.
"The conference is a unique event that brings together criminal justice scholars and practitioners to present the latest research findings and raise topical issues in different areas of criminal policy. This conference not only assesses developments in criminal policy, but also highlights the common desire of scholars and practitioners to collaborate in the processes of criminal policy development and its implementation," said Prof. Dr. Jolanta Zajančkauskienė, Chair of the Organising Committee, underlining the topicality and importance of the Conference.
The event will feature presentations by Polish and German scholars, as well as scholars from the LSMC Institute of Law, MRU Law School and VMU Faculty of Law. The speakers will present the problems of distinguishing fraud from financial offences, the results of the evaluation of the quality of indictments, discuss the application of the norms of conventional crimes, the peculiarities of the legal regulation of the determination of the quantity of drugs, electronic evidence, the perspectives of the remote criminal proceedings and other topical issues.
The event will take place on 12 April from 8:30 to 14:10. The conference includes three sessions. Presentations will be delivered in Lithuanian and English, with speakers from abroad participating remotely.
Legal and interdisciplinary researchers, practitioners in criminal justice and other fields, and law students are cordially invited to attend the event.
Pre-register here.
The full programme can be found here.
Contact email: btpi@mruni.eu