22 January The Public Security Academy (PSA) 2023 Activity Report was presented at Mykolas Romeris University (MRU).
Presenting the results of last year's activities, the Dean of the Public Security Academy , Prof. Dr. Assoc. Prof. Snieguolė Matulienė, stressed that in 2023, special attention was paid to the strategic goals of the Public Security Academy - to join the public security ecosystem, to consistently develop the Academy's influence and social responsibility towards society. In the reporting year, the Minister of Education, Science and Sport approved the description of Public Security Studies by order of the Minister of Education, Science and Sport, which obliged to assess the ecosystem of competence development for public security officers (civil servants) and to present a model of this ecosystem not only to the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, but also to the Government of Lithuania. The aim of this ecosystem is to integrate the different parts of the ecosystem into a single whole and to create an advanced system of competence development for public security sector professionals based on the results of scientific research and the best practices of foreign countries and international organizations and institutions. The PSA community, together with the social partners, is ready to implement the presented model.
In 2023, the Academy was characterized by its focus on cutting-edge science that generates social innovation. The Dean welcomed the fact that the Academy of Public Security has become a center of expertise, which is called upon by state institutions for expert opinions and conclusions on public security issues.
Last year, all the study programmes conducted at the Academy were organized and implemented according to the principle of competence accumulation on the basis of the Lithuanian Competence Framework, ensuring the recognition of acquired competences and the transition from one level to another. In this way, students' freedom of choice in planning their careers and acquiring competences that ensure attractiveness on the labor market is promoted. In 2023, there was a 4.8% increase in the number of students enrolled in bachelor's studies, but in master's studies there was a 7.14% decrease in 2023.
The Dean thanked the PSA students not only for their activity at the University, but also for their collaboration with schools to help connect with students across Lithuania. International student exchange statistics show that studying at PSA also responds to the needs of an international global market.
During the presentation of the PSA Annual Report, the Rector of MRU, Prof. Dr. Inga Žalėnienė, commented and welcomed the renewed consortium agreement on the implementation of the joint study programme "Strategic Management of State Borders". "This is the second such programme in the history of MRU - a historic achievement of which I am very proud."
Prof. Dr. Snieguolė Matulienė thanked the PSA researchers for the continuous improvement of their scientific performance and stressed the importance of strategic management of human resources in order to ensure the effectiveness of their work in the future. In 2023, 9 research projects have been completed at the PSA and 8 more are continuing in 2024. In 2023, the Academy received 17 high-level national and 19 international research proposals. 7 national and 10 international projects were completed. In 2023, the value of outsourcing to the PSA almost doubled compared to 2022. In 2022, the value was €64 464 and in 2023 it reached €113 114. Furthermore, the importance of organizing PSA's continuing scientific events was highlighted and the schedule of PSA's scientific events for 2024 was presented.
According to the Dean of the PSA, 2023 was a challenging year as the Academy was involved in 3 evaluations - institutional, comparative and legal. In 2023, the Centre for Quality Assessment of Studies accredited both undergraduate and postgraduate MRU law studies for 7 years.
In 2024, the MRU PSA community will continue to strive to create advanced science that generates social innovation, to ensure the well-being of employees, to implement the integral development of the lifelong learning system, and to strengthen the visibility and reputation of PSA.