Nov. 15th, Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) Rector Prof. Inga Žalėnienė and Lithuania‘s Ministry of Economy and Innovation Vice-Minister Karolis Žemaitis signed a cooperation agreement. It was agreed that both sides will implement higher education and joint public sector partnership projects.
The University is expanding cooperation with the Ministry in order to improve the content of studies. Ministry representatives will have the possibility to participate in preparation of studies' programmes and their improvement, modernizing the learning process. They will be able to offer students themes for final papers.
"There is no better investment in a future team than sharing knowledge with students,“ said Vice-Minister Žemaitis. He said the Ministry encourages business leaders to actively cooperate with universities in the country.
The Vice-Minister said that the signed agreement is a a step on the part of the Ministry in order to improve the business atmosphere in the country.
Both sides agreed to develop partnership ties in order to create joint social value which is useful for the dissemination of good practice and for improving the training of specialists. Also both sides agreed to unite their existing resources, competencies and skills, professional knowledge, experience implementing joint research and projects as well as organizing seminars, conferences.
We hope that the Economy and Innovation Ministry‘s cooperation with Mykolas Romeris University will contribute to fostering public interests and more trust in the state itself, said MRU Rector Prof. Žalėnienė.
MRU Faculty of Human and Social Studies Dean Prof. Odeta Merfeldaitė also participated in the event along with MRU Public Governance and Business Faculty Dean Prof. Darius Štitilis, MRU Security Academy Dean Prof. Snieguolė Matulienė, MRU Law School Vice-Dean for Studies Assoc. Prof. Lina Novikovienė and MRU Public Governance and Business Faculty Assoc. Prof. Lidija Kraujalienė.