MRU Law Academics Lectured at Bangladesh's American International University - MRU

27 July, 2022
MRU Law Academics Lectured at Bangladesh’s American International University

July 18th-22nd, 2022, Mykolas Romeris University Law School's Institute of Private Law Prof. Vaidas Jurkevicius and Institute of International and European Union Law Lecturer Arnas Liauksminas were in Bangladesh where they presented lectures at the American International University in Dhaka.  

During the visit to Bangladesh, they presented lectures relating to private law, business and human rights issues. Lecturer Liauksminas said he lectured on business and human rights. The two academics also met with lecturers and university personnel and discussed possible ways to conduct cooperation in the future.

The American International University is a private university which is one of the few with a University campus, where there is much space for learning and personal development and sports activities.

During the week, there was a chance to learn more about Bangladesh, its history, to visit the Military Musuem, market and other noteworthy sights in Dhaka.

Cooperation with universities in Asia is one of MRU's strategic cooperation areas.

The visit was financed by funds from the Erasmus+ programme.