Minister Pabedinskienė Addressed Conference on Youth Participation - MRU

9 September, 2016
Minister Pabedinskienė Addressed Conference on Youth Participation

September 8th, 2016, Social Security and Labour (SSL) Minister Algimanta Pabedinskienė visited MRU LAB facilities and addressed the Young Researchers' Conference, "Youth Participation & Exclusion, Freedom and Responsibility Divide." The conference marked the 20th anniversary of Lithuania's youth politics. Before the beginning of the conference, Minister Pabedinskienė visited MRU LAB, learned more about the activities of the Social Innovations Laboratory Network. MRU Rector Assoc. Prof. Algirdas Monkevičius addressed conference participants. Lithuania's Youth Organization Council President Mantas Zakarka and Youth Affairs Department under the SSL Ministry Director Vydūnas Trapinskas were also in attendance. One of the organizers of the conference, MRU LAB Public Management Innovation Laboratory Head Assoc. Prof. Mantas Bileišis, said the conference sought to consider what were the aims and goals of youth policy and what means were used to achieve these goals and the results. This was the third Conference held at MRU. The first, in 2012, was held at the Vilnius University (VU). The second was organized by the Kaunas-based Vytautas Magnus University (VDU).