LAB Researcher: InBestSoil EU Project with Case Study on Baltupiai Kicks Off Jan. 1st, 2023 - MRU

19 December, 2022
LAB Researcher: InBestSoil EU Project with Case Study on Baltupiai Kicks Off Jan. 1st, 2023
Research project

The MRU Environmental Management LAB's latest European Union (EU) Horizon funded project, InBestSoil, will include a case study on Vilnius‘ urban architecture focusing on Baltupiai, the LAB's researcher Miguel Inácio said.

"This project is very much dedicated to assessing the ecosystem services provided by soil ecosystems. It will strongly focus on environmental economics, creating valuation models for soil ecosystem services,“ said Miguel Inácio.

The 4,5-mil Euro project, Monetary Valuation of Soil Ecosystem Services and Creation of Initiatives to Invest in Soil Health: Setting a Framework for the Inclusion of Soil Health in Business and in the Policy-making Process (InBestSoil) will run for 4 years from Jan. 1st, 2023 to Jan. 1st, 2027.

In this project we will have a case study on urban architecture in Vilnius, more concretely in Baltupiai, he said.

The project has 16 participants from universities in France, Italy, Latvia, the Netherlands, Spain, Romania and others. A total of 20 partners from 10 countries including those not only from universities, but also small and medium-sized enterprises, consultancies, farmers and NOG‘s are taking part, he noted. Project coordinator is Spain‘s University of Vigo.

More info about the project here.