The fourth European Reform University Alliance (ERUA) Summit and International Scientific Conference "Social Innovations for Transformative Society“ (SOCIN'24) have started at Mykolas Romeris University (MRU). The international scientific event, which brought together 300 participants from 10 countries around the world in Vilnius, focused on the role of social innovation in the face of global transformation.
The ceremonial atmosphere of the international conference was opened by the Mykolas Romeris University Choir, which sang the European Union anthem based on the "Ode to Joy" movement of the Ninth Symphony composed by L. van Beethoven.
”The European Union, like Europe as a whole, is going through a period of profound change, which not only poses new challenges but also opens up new opportunities to influence the direction of political, economic and social change. Among these challenges, the ongoing war in Ukraine demands our urgent attention and innovative solutions. This summit is a testament to our collective belief in the power of innovation to address these issues and improve the quality of life for people everywhere “, said Prof. Dr. Inga Žalėnienė.
According to the Rector of MRU, ERUA is not just an alliance. It is a community united by a belief in common goals and cooperation.
“This summit reflects our commitment to building and strengthening this community. It is through these bonds that we can achieve the extraordinary, by turning innovative ideas into tangible realities that benefit society as a whole”, emphasised Prof. Dr. Inga Žalėnienė.
Prof. Roman Cieslak, Rector of the University of Social Sciences and Humanities (SWPS, Poland) and President of the Board of Rectors of ERUA, in addressing the audience, invited everyone to stand up to pay tribute and express gratitude to the organiser of the conference - Mykolas Romeris University.
“When people from diverse fields come together, they bring unique methods and insights, creating a more innovative environment. This teamwork not only improves our academic efforts but also builds a strong network of professionals who support and learn from each other. It helps us combine our resources and strengths, making us better equipped to handle challenges”, said Prof. Roman Cieslak.
"This event builds a bridge for collaborative action and provides a unique opportunity to work together on innovative, transformative projects", said Prof. Dr. Annick Allaigre, Rector of Paris 8 University.
For the first time ever, the conference on social innovation to took place at Mykolas Romeris University in Vilnius will bring together rectors of ERUA member universities, experts in various fields, researchers and students, innovators and leaders from different sectors - academia, NGOs, business, government.
The two-day conference plenary sessions will explore the role of social innovation, focusing on social innovation in areas such as migration, exile and refugees; democracy, human rights, inclusiveness and gender equality; the transition to a sustainable environment; interculturality and multilingualism; arts and borders, cross-sectoral cooperation and the ethics of care. This format will provide an excellent opportunity for participants not only to listen to presentations, but also to actively participate in discussions and propose new ideas.
During the event, the conference participants and ERUA representatives will also have an excellent opportunity to establish new contacts, strengthen existing ones, exchange experiences, find partners for joint projects and expand their professional network.
It is hoped that the ideas and initiatives discussed at the conference will become real projects, cooperation agreements or policy recommendations.
ERUA brings together the academic communities (students, researchers, professionals) of 8 European universities. The alliance's partners are united by an original interdisciplinary collaboration that allows the integration of the social sciences and the humanities, the arts and sciences, and the natural and exact sciences.
Membership of the Alliance is also significant in that, together with the main 8 European universities, 36 associated partners from across Europe and beyond participate in the Alliance and share common goals. This not only broadens the geography of activities, but also increases the competitiveness of European higher education and its ability to contribute more effectively to global challenges.
The European universities participating in the ERUA are: University of Paris 8 (France), University of the Aegean (Greece), New Bulgarian University (Bulgaria), SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities (Poland), Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain), University of Macerata (Italy), Europa Universitat Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) (Germany) and Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania).