24 November Mykolas Romeris University was visited by the President of the European University Viadrina (Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) - EUV), Prof. Dr. Eduard Mühle. The University of Frankfurt (Oder) is MRU's partner in the European Reform University Alliance (ERUA).
"We are convinced that the visit of the President of the EUV, who has deep European traditions, will open new opportunities for close cooperation between our universities and will help to generate new ideas for the successful activities of the Alliance of European Reform Universities," says MRU Rector Prof. Inga Žalėnienė.
Dr. E. Mühle, President of the EUV, and MRU representatives discussed promising areas of cooperation between the universities. The guest was introduced to the innovations of MRU study programs and research by the Associate Dean of the Law School, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jolanta Apolevič, the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Public Governance and Business, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Irmantas Rotomskis, the Vice Dean of the Public Security Academy, Prof. Dr. Žaneta Navickienė, and the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Human and Social Studies, Prof. Linas Selmistraitis. Dr. Nomeda Gudelienė, Advisor to the Rector on Sustainable Development, talked about MRU's support to Ukraine and the activities initiated by MRU in support of the international support to the Ukrainian academic community.
According to the Rector of the EUV, both MRU and the European University Viadrina share common interests and aspirations, and cooperation in the development of joint projects and research will be mutually beneficial and promising.
The guest also got acquainted with the activities of the network of social innovation laboratories, which were presented by Laura Zebleckienė, the head of the Research and Innovation Centre.
The European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) is renowned for its internationality. And although it is one of the smallest universities in Germany, with 5,200 students (around 1,000 of them from Poland) and around 160 lecturers, the geography of the student body spans more than 80 countries. EUV offers students interdisciplinary studies in law, economics and business administration, as well as social and cultural sciences.
For more information about EUV, visit https://www.europa-uni.de/en/ueber_uns/index.html