The European Reform University Alliance (ERUA) invites you to become a student ambassador for your university: a great opportunity to raise a wide range of issues and contribute to reforming institutions. The Alliance encourages student involvement and critical thinking in creating a new vision for higher education.
The Student Ambassador will have the opportunity to travel to EU universities and become part of a vibrant ERUA student community, expand the ERUA student network, complete his/her CV, gain valuable experience in public speaking, social media management and event organisation, and receive a letter of recommendation and a certificate.
The Student Ambassador will mobilise people, broaden their horizons, and be a point of contact for other students interested in learning more about ERUA. He/she will communicate with other members, disseminate information about the Alliance through various channels, actively participate in events, and promote a positive image online in line with the principles and ideas of ERUA. In addition, the Student Ambassador will collaborate with other Alliance representatives in presentations, information sessions, sharing his/her experiences and insights about the ERUA, and fostering a sense of community. All these activities will be supported by ERUA staff and students.
The Ambassador position is open to all interested students who have already completed at least two semesters, are creative, enthusiastic and have strong organisational and communication skills. Preference will be given to candidates who are actively involved in the life of the University and involved in student organisations. The Ambassador will be expected to attend all ERUA related events and important meetings and have excellent English language skills.
To apply, please send a cover letter outlining your understanding of ERUA's goals, missions and values, and what will motivate you to excel in this position, to: k.tamasauskaite@mruni.eu, with "ERUA Ambassador" as the subject of the email.
The deadline for applications is April 30.
More information can be found here.