PhD Student Defended Dissertation: Translations of Shakespeare's Sonnets - MRU

6 July, 2019
PhD Student Defended Dissertation: Translations of Shakespeare’s Sonnets
Dissertation Defense | PhD

July 5th, 2019. PhD student Deimantė Veličkienė defended her dissertation: Translations of William Shakespeare's Sonnets into Lithuanian: The Problem of Correspondence.

The thesis analyzed the translations of Shakespeare's sonnets into Lithuanian in a systemic way, encompassing all existing translations of Shakespeare's sonnets provided by poets: Alfonsas Tyruolis, Aleksys Churginas, Sigitas Geda and Tautvyda Marcinkevičiūtė.

Research into literary translation is still scarce in Lithuania.

This thesis focused mostly on the problem of correspondence (or equivalence). The correspondence is first of all understood as a multiple analogue.

Although, the creation of correspondence in the target literature is given certain freedom and various alternatives of reading, certain limitations exist that restrict the loss of the most important meanings and implications.

The comparative analysis has revealed that in the translations of the sonnets into Lithuanian, there are no absolute correspondents from the macro to micro levels. Some translators focused more on the criterion of ethics, others on poeticality.

The general theme of a sonnet is usually rendered in the translations into Lithuanian. However, the translation of some tropes and multi-layered discourse causes more problems.

Correspondence seems to be an aspiration of all the translators, but they do not always manage to achieve and render it.