First Week of Lectures Remotely - 900 Lectures & Seminars - MRU

27 March, 2020
First Week of Lectures Remotely – 900 Lectures & Seminars

Organizing the entire studies process online remotely is a challenge for all universities. At Mykolas Romeris University lectures have been continuing – even during the first 2 weeks of the quarantine. There is no vacation for students. The entire studies process is organized in the virtual sphere. According to MRU Rector Prof. Inga Žalėnienė, with the announcement of the quarantine and having abolished the contact studies process, Mykolas Romeris University did not stop the studies process and has ensured it continues remotely. “This decision was made taking into account that the University for a number of years has been implementing studies remotely. Before announcement of the quarantine, we had the technical possibilities and accumulated practical skills to provide a number of courses online remotely. A large number of lecturers had taken advantage of this and were actively engaged.” “The virtual learning environment, “Moodle” has been used for a number of years at Mykolas Romeris University. It is technologically closely connected with the remote lecture system, “Big Blue Button.” During lectures, in real time, video and/or audio translation is implemented allowing for seminars to be organized using a discussion forum or in group work rooms. The “Moodle” environment has amassed a lecture archive. All this is in one concrete environment. There is no need to use several systems or tools, when studies material is in one place and then there is direct contact in another while a third place stores necessary material and recordings useful for studies. Lecturers, as well as students, have clear instructions on how to work in this environment and how the studies schedules are arranged. Lectures and seminars are undertaken in the virtual sphere. In addition, there are plans to organize examinations remotely. From 2015, MRU has an approved and operational remote examination system. Over 900 Lectures in One Week Organization of lectures in a centralized virtual sphere is one of the advantages ensuring a qualitative studies process. During the first quarantine week studying remotely at Mykolas Romeris University, there were on average 157 different lectures or seminars taking place daily. During the first week there were 900 lectures and seminars taking place. At one time at the University there can be 50 such lectures or seminars taking place or up to 400 daily. “From the first day of the quarantine we were watching intensely how lecturers and students were faring working remotely. There wasn’t much time to prepare for such a process. There were some discrepancies, but we are happy that the first week of studying remotely more than 98% of such activities went on without any problems,” said MRU Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Regina Valutytė. “We have the possibility to see which lectures took place according to schedule or not, and that is is also a step in the direction of ensuring quality.“ The virtual learning environment implemented at the University allows, in a centralized manner, to undertake many activities at one time. Remote work organizational and supervisory groups have been established. They are able in real time to observe and to quickly provide help to students and lecturers, when there are technical difficulties. “Quality of studies during this process remains a priority. We are seeking to provide all necessary help for lecturers, as many of them had not yet worked remotely with students on a daily basis. There are classes daily and this week we are starting to implement remote examinations. The main problems which lecturers, as well as students, face are connected with use of computer equipment. We are resolving this in real time and consulting all who are taking part in the study process,” noted Vice-Rector Prof. Valutytė. According to MRU student Laura Stefanovič, lectures have not changed after they were transferred to the virtual sphere. “I see that the MRU community has done everything to help us understand how everything works and to answer all of our questions. The lectures have not changed, despite the fact that they are now virtual. They still remain as interesting as face to face lectures at the University. The contact with lecturers also has not changed. They are available to help us, if we need something. I see that everything will continue as well as up to now and I will be truly happy about this.”