Exploring the World of Anime Event - MRU

December 20
Exploring the World of Anime Event
20 d. 09:00 hr, 20 d. 15:30 hr
MRU I-416 aud. and I-414 aud.

Dec. 20th, 2022, 9 - 15:30 in Mykolas Romeris University's (MRU) I-416 aud. and I-414 aud., an all-day, "Exploring the World of Anime Event" will be held with lectures, exhibition of students' works and guest lecturers from Japan.

MRU Assoc. Prof Marius Kalinauskas at 10:45 in I-416, will present a lecture, “Anime World Influences On Video Games.” 

There will be an opportunity to view the works of students.

Welcome speeches will be delivered by 

MRU Assoc. Prof. Marius Kalinaukas (on student works/exhibition) [12.30-12.45]

Ms. Yurika Kakami - Guest from the Embassy of Japan in Lithuania /  (about cooperation with MRU) [12.45-12.50] 

Prof. Rumiko Kurita (Japan's Josai University) (on student works) [12.50-13.00 min.] 

MRU Assoc. Prof. Gražina Čiuladienė [13.00-13.05]

Awards for best works /(Assoc. Prof. Marius Kalinauskas)
