Celebrate World Bee Day with a Party & Movie - MRU

May 19
Celebrate World Bee Day with a Party & Movie
19 d. 13:00 hr, 19 d. 15:00 hr
MRU LAB, 101

World Bee Day 2023

Bees pollinate a third of what we eat and play an essential role in preserving the planet's ecosystems. We invite everyone to join the global celebration of these gorgeous creatures and their contribution to sustainable development.

Activities for the Day - May 19th:


Planting of Bee-friendly flowers in MRU Garden

Time: 19th May, 13:00

Meeting Point: In Front of MRU LAB

Requirements for participation: good mood


Tea-Honey Party

Time: 19th May, 13:30

Location: MRU LAB, 101


Documentary Movie

Time: 19th May 14:10

Location: MRU LAB, 101

Select a movie and reserve a seat by link: https://forms.office.com/e/8jVtsRdgzN

Reward: A lottery selection will determine the lucky participant who will take home an MRU-branded T-shirt.