Creating the Network of Excellent ULCA Schools, 2023-1-SK01-KA220-HED-000158697 - MRU

Creating the Network of Excellent ULCA Schools, 2023-1-SK01-KA220-HED-000158697

Project No. 2023-1-SK01-KA220-HED-000158697
Project title: „Creating the Network of Excellent ULCA Schools”
Project duration: 2024-01-01 2026-04-30
Project coordinator: KATOLICKA UNIVERZITA V RUZOMBERKU (Slovakia)
Project manager in MRU: Prof. dr. Irena Žemaitaitytė
Other partners: HARMONY ACADEMY s.r.o. (Slovakia), BIEDRIBA EUROFORTIS (Latvia), MYKOLO ROMERIO UNIVERSITETAS (Lithuania), Centar za inovacii i
digitalna edukacija DIG-ED (The Republic of North Macedonia), Osnovna sola Dobje Opshtinsko osnovno uchilishte (Slovenia), STRASHO PINDJUR Negotino (The Republic of North Macedonia), Vilniaus Prano Masioto pradine mokykla (Lithuania), Základná škola Sládkovičova 10 Ružomberok (Slovakia)

Summary: The project’s main objective is to create educational institutions of modern times by creating education courses and setting up an international ULCA association/network, thereby expanding the ULCA schools, which we will enrich with more complex education in this follow-up NELCA project. We create and connect a community of teachers, managers, administrative workers, owners, and founders who want to set the organizational culture of their schools in the context of innovative approaches.

The project is funded by the Erasmus+ Cooperation partnerships in higher education programme.