MRU Celebrating March 11th & Invites to Last Event - MRU

9 March, 2023
MRU Celebrating March 11th & Invites to Last Event
Public Security Academy
Faculty of Public Governance and Business
Faculty of Human and Social Studies

March 6th-14th, 2023, Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) was celebrating Lithuania's Independence Day Restoration Act holiday. There were various events including a concert, exhibition and a flag-raising ceremony held. Many of the commemorative events marking this special day have already taken place on campus.

"Established in an independent and free Lithuania, Mykolas Romeris University is the creation of the state that has regained its independence. Our academic campuses in Vilnius, at Ateities Street, and in Kaunas, at Maironis Street, are a good investment in Lithuania's future that has already paid off," said MRU Rector Prof. Dr. Inga Zalėnienė.

After the restoration of Lithuania's independence in 1990, MRU also turned the first page of its history. Just a month after the announcement of the restoration of independence, a higher education institution was established, which was later given the name of Mykolas Romeris University (in 2004).

MRU grew and developed together with the restored independent state. First of all, it began to train specialists, who were most lacking at that time. Specialists in law, public administration, and public security, educated at MRU, made a significant contribution to establishing the foundations of the state.

That is why MRU sought to commemorate this extraordinary day for both the University and Lithuania. A series of four events were organized commemorating the March 11th holiday.

The first event was the exhibition, "Freedom - The Name of Our Joint Goal: Vytautas Landsbergis - 90." During the exhibition, MRU community members and others from the Didlaukis academic community and Vilnius residents attended the exhibition which contained many facts about signing of Lithuania's Independence Day Act.

The second event was the presentation of the MRU annual report for 2022. MRU Rector Prof. Žalėnienė presented the report to MRU's community. There was also a concert organized with pianist Darius Mažintas accompanying soloist Jonas Sakalauskas. 

A large crowd of MRU's academic community took part in the 3rd event - a flag-raising ceremony in MRU's inner courtyard. MRU Rector Prof. Žalėnienė addressed participants along with Senate Chairman Prof. Romas Prakapas. Didlaukis academic community members and neighbors attended as well.

"March 11th we celebrate a special day - Lithuania's Restoration of Independence Day. Today, marking this event, we raise the flag - a symbol of Lithuania, in the University's courtyard," said Rector Prof. Žalėnienė. "We raise our flag with great pride for our country and with respect for those Lithuanian Independence Act signatories, and for all the people of Lithuania, who fought for the freedom of Lithuania and never lost faith in the rebirth of an independent state," she said during the event.

The Pop Vocal Group, led by Artūras Novikas, performed two songs including "Lietuva" to mark the occasion.

All week to mark this special day, small tricolour Lithuanian flags were handed out to MRU staff and security guards.

The last and 4th event will be held on March 14th and will be a football tournament. It will be held in CR I-116 aud. and CR II-105 aud.

All invited to participate!