Mediators & Attorneys Boosted Cooperation During CODEMAL Project Visit in Netherlands - MRU

15 November, 2021
Mediators & Attorneys Boosted Cooperation During CODEMAL Project Visit in Netherlands
Law School

November 11th, 2021, mediator and member of the Council of the Lithuanian Chamber of Mediators Ingrida Sviderskienė and a representative from Lithuania's Bar Association, MRU Law School Prof. Inga Kudinavičiūtė – Michailovienė participated in the JUSTICE programme project, "Promoting Cooperation Between Mediators and Attorneys" (CODEMAL) working visit in Dordrecht, Netherlands.

The aim of the visit was to learn about the experience of international legal professionals - attorneys and mediators, from Italy, Austria, Latvia and Lithuania, working with cross-border family cases. Each country's partner representatives visited the Conflict Resolution Center in the Netherlands seeking to gain experience and to exchange their personal and their country's experience. Attorneys and mediators listened to presentations and participated in educational discussions and fostered ties.

Mediator Ingrida Sviderskienė and attorney Inga Kudinavičiūtė – Michailovienė listened to a presentation, “Conference's Criminal Cases" which was presented by project coordinator Dana Rone and participated in a discussion about co-mediation advantages and drawbacks and observed mediation simulation in a criminal case led by Netherlands Business Academy Lecturer Gea van Klompenburg and Marjon Kuipers. They also listened to Zeeland-West-Brabant Court Judge Sandra Willems-Ruesink's presentation on how knowledge of mediation helps a judge at work and another presentation by Mediation Bureau mediator Marlene Panis on the procedure for mediation in criminal cases in the Netherlands.

It must also be noted that CODEMAL project representative discussions during the visit were useful for students participating in mediation training at that time from Ukraine, Sakartvelo and Azerbaijan.

The visit was supported and organized together with the Netherlands Business Academy – one of the leading mediation and teaching centers in Europe.

The CODEMAL project is implemented by the MRU Mediation and Sustainable Conflict Resolution LAB (Project Head Prof. Agnė Tvaronavičienė) together with Latvia's Turība University, Italy's University of Genoa and Austria's University of Graz.