Students Learned How to Prepare Korean Cookies - MRU

29 June, 2015
Students Learned How to Prepare Korean Cookies
King Sejong Institute

June 29th, 2015, after Korean language students picked up Korean language certificates at Mykolas Romeris University (MRU), they prepared Korean cookies with bean powder.

Korea's King Sejong Institute (KSI) Foundation Researcher Prof. Dongeun Lee led the hour-long session. She was aided by KSI Vilnius Korean language lecturer Hyunjung Kim.

Students received special packets with materials to make and prepare the traditional Korean cookie.

During the hour-long session, students listened as Prof. Lee speaking in Korean and then English, explained how to prepare the sweets.

The event capped a day-long event dedicated to Korea and its culture and language.

At noon, certificates were awarded to students who completed KSI Vilnius Korean language courses on campus.

Then a delegation, led by Korea's Dongseo University (DSU) President Dr. Jekuk Chang, toured the new MRU Laboratories Building. MRU Vice-Rector Prof. Inga Žalėnienė gave the delegation a tour of the new building, which is set to open in the fall.